Hello and welcome to my blog.

My name is Paul Giorkas and through this blog I will share with you my thoughts, my beliefs and my experiences in the fields of Blogging, Affiliate Marketing and SEO.

I will try to introduce myself to you so that you can get to know me better and learn more about me.

A few words about me

Pavlos Giorkas profile picture in blue background
Yeap, that’s me..

I am from Cyprus and specifically from Lefkosia (Nicosia).

I studied Public Relations, Marketing and Advertising at the University of Nicosia for 4 years.

Since 2012 I have been involved in Internet Marketing. I purchase various eBooks, training videos, try new tools and “consume” anything that can further educate me in this field.

I believe that both businesses and ordinary people – like me and you – can increase their sales dramatically through proper Online Marketing and make more money. In the case of “ordinary people” the Online world can provide them with an extra or full time income.

The Blog

I decided to create this blog because of my great need to externalize my ideas, thoughts and feelings in the broader field of sales, and online marketing.

In this blog I write about:

  • My experiences from the Affiliate Marketing
  • Ideas and tips for Marketing and Advertising (Online and Offline)
  • For Social Media
  • For SEO
  • For Blogging
  • Comments and suggestions of various tools that will help you in marketing your business.
  • Programs that will help you increase your productivity and sales.


You can contact me through this page – for anything you need.