If you are interested in promoting yourself and show your knowledge in any area of Marketing and Entrepreneurship to this website’s audience, then you can send your own article for publication.

Give your best

You have the chance to position yourself as an expert in your field. With this article you will actually advertise yourself and enhance your brand.

This blog is visited by hundreds of people every day, who can become your clients or followers if you manage to impress them with what you write.

But on the other hand, if you are looking to build a quick backlink for your website and you send me an article that is not that well written, then you may be doing more harm than good to yourself.

Instructions for Submitting an Article

Before submitting an article for publication, please contact me about the title of the article you are considering writing.

Also make sure you have read and understood all the guidelines below to avoid mistakes and misunderstandings.

The types of articles allowed are these. Try to make sure your article has any of the characteristics of the articles I have listed.

  • Affiliate links in the article are prohibited. You may place as many links to external agents as you want within the article, but no affiliate links.
  • There must be clear instructions on where you want the photos to be placed.
  • The article must be sent in word format, divided into paragraphs, with the title and all subtitles.
  • It must be related to Internet Marketing, e-commerce, advertising, WordPress and management.
  • The article must be unique and not republished elsewhere. Also any copying of article from another blog is also prohibited. I can check (very easily) if it is published somewhere else.
  • Also the article must be over 600 words. Ideally it should be between 1000 – 1500 words.
  • It must be accompanied by a photo of you showing your face. Your photo will be published at the bottom of the article along with some information (about 50 – 100 words) about the author and a link to their website.

After the article is published I will contact you and let you know so you can share it with your networks. (I will share it via my newsletter, LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter).

Contact me with any questions or clarifications and to discuss your article.