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When I say “your blog”, I don’t just mean on a personal level, but also for the business or brand you represent.

Creating a blog will help you to connect with the audience you are interested in and develop a cheap communication channel with them, since the cost of creating a blog is about €10 for domain registration and then €50 – €80 per year for renting a server to host your website.

There are several reasons why creating a blog is one of the wisest moves you will ever make. In this article I will explain the 7 – in my opinion – most important reasons why you should immediately start your own blog.

Why Start Your Own Blog

1. Become an authority in your field.

This is the most important of all.

Imagine how the audience you want to target will perceive you, if they find out that you have your own blog, your own website.

On a personal level, this will skyrocket your “stock” because you will be able to showcase your knowledge and open up more avenues for your career.

Sometimes you have so much to say, but you don’t get the chance. But now you can show your knowledge on a particular topic and position yourself in the minds of your readers as an authority.

The same applies if the blog represents a brand or a business.

If you are a business and you answer questions from your consumers (and potential customers) and help them find solutions through various articles – you show how much you know your subject.

2. More visitors to your website

A survey by Hubspot showed that websites and businesses that have their own blog have up to 55% more visitors than businesses that don’t have their own blog.

Image source:

The reason is simple. SEO

Google’s job is to show the best results for its users’ searches. If you through your articles provide solutions and answers to questions that may exist around your field, then your blog will appear high in the results of Google and other search engines.

This means more visitors to your website and potentially more leads and sales.

3. More sales

As I said above, more visits to your website means more sales.

Let’s look at some examples of different businesses that can benefit from a blog.

  • Online lingerie shop. You write articles about woman, the correct fit of underwear, the 15 hottest lingerie this season, different breast sizes and what is the right bra etc. People who are interested in this topic ‘land’ on your blog. These articles direct visitors to your products.
  • Nutritionist. You write about everything related to good nutrition and health. You educate people, you show your knowledge, you position yourself as an authority in your field, you are trusted. You have contact information and you get new clients.
  • Philologist. You’re dealing with children. You write about proper communication with students, about the education system, opinions on various education issues, advice to parents, proper reading, children’s health. You show your knowledge, you build a name and people like you.
  • Gymnast. You write about Bodybuilding, weight loss, six pack, fitness and nutrition and all the benefits you get that we talked about above apply.
  • Advertising agency. Well, well… With so much ignorance on marketing and advertising issues out there, you’ll burn up the keyboard with the hundreds of articles you can write. Think about the image your ad agency will build against your competitors.

As I was surfing the web, I “stumbled” upon a very useful Infographic about how blogs influence consumer buying behaviour.

The infographic doesn’t specify whether it’s about Online or offline shopping, but considering that most blogs, when recommending products and services, are likely to make a profit – then I think it applies more to Online shopping.

This infographic has been created by the UK-based research company Dynata (formerly Research Now) who conducted a 10-minute online survey of 1000 UK residents who read a blog at least once a month.

Here are some very important features shown in the infographic.

  • 84% of respondents said they have bought products based on a description they read on a blog.
  • Buying cheap products is preferred, with 50% of respondents having bought products worth between £1 – £50.
  • 54% of respondents said they bought products related to their home.
  • 46% of respondents read blogs to do market research.
  • Apparently, 18 – 35 year olds turn first to blogs for information that may influence their buying habits.
  • Men prefer to visit a blog first and then ask friends and colleagues for information about a product, while women prefer to go to friends and colleagues first and then to a blog.

Architectural offices, Cardiology centres, Beauty salons, Beauty products, Anti-aging creams, Cooks..

Everything and everyone developing a blog can increase their sales by promoting their knowledge, helping people and gaining the trust of the public.

4. Cheap and Direct Communication

Creating a blog will allow you to have better communication with your existing customers, with your potential customers, with your target audience and with people who have the same views and hobbies as you.

Also through a blog you will be able to inform your audience with your company’s news, new products you add to your range and generally with content that will promote your products and your company directly and indirectly.

Here he noted that email marketing will contribute a huge role, since by collecting the emails of your blog visitors you can build a communication channel that will be FREE and DIRECT.

In addition, note that if your blog is visited by a few thousand people a month, think of the free exposure your brand will receive.

5. Extra income

Whether you are a company or just a person who writes for a hobby, you can make an extra income from your blog in various ways such as:

  • Google Adsense ads
  • Send sponsored emails to your list
  • Banner in your newsletter
  • Affiliate links within your articles
  • sponsored content
  • Create your own products such as eBooks, and educational videos

Anyone can develop their own blog on any topic and start making money through affiliate marketing.


You like fashion and you’re creating your own blog. Various websites on or Linkwise (which is also Greek) offer you the opportunity to sign up as an affiliate and promote their products through your articles.

For every purchase made through one of your affiliate links, you get a commission of 5% – 15%.

You can blog about anything, even how to grow tomatoes..

Don’t laugh…

I inform you that this sector is in great demand. Only with Google Adsense you can make good money every month..

Here’s a screen-shot from Google Keyword Planner showing the average search phrases related to how to grow tomatoes.

Here’s another screen-shot showing various blogs that exist in this area.

6. You will learn to read and write better

Maintaining a blog is not the easiest thing to do.

Most of the time, however, those involved in the blogging world are “forced” to read many other blogs, sometimes for inspiration and sometimes just because they like the writing style of another blogger.

With constant reading, in addition to sharpening your mind and educating yourself, you also learn to read faster and more correctly.

As far as writing is concerned, it’s near in the mind that you will grow in that area as well. From a lot of writing, you will start getting better day by day.

Also, beyond reading and writing, there are other areas that a blog will help you develop, such as productivity, time management, idea development and creativity.

All of these things help you as a person and in the case of a business it may help its employees to develop in all the above mentioned areas.

7. You’ll meet a new world

Whether it’s through comments they leave on your blog or you leave on others, or whether it’s through email or social networks, you’ll be surprised how quickly you can meet new people online.

The internet is a “big neighbourhood” where everyone can meet another person who lives 15 million houses down the street.

These are relationships that are ‘looking’ to help each other. You never know who might read your article and what proposal might come your way.

Final Comments

So, what do you think? Is it worth starting your own blog? Let me know in the comments below. In the meantime, if you want you can start your own blog in a very easy way.

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Τα Links που υπάρχουν στα άρθρα μου ειναι πολλές φορές affiliate links. Αυτό σημαίνει ότι μπορεί να κερδίσω προμηθεια αν αγοράσεις κάτι χωρίς να επηρεάζετε το κόστος αγοράς της υπηρεσίας ή του προιόντος με οποιονδήποτε τρόπο.

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