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Just like in the “offline” world, there are many ways to make money online – if you put in the time and effort.

In this article I will explain not one, not two, not three, but twenty-two different and proven ways to make money from the internet.

UPDATE: I have added a table under each method which will help you understand the effort, the time you need to put in and how much money you can make and how much you need to invest initially.

The ways I’m going to show you are not easy… Don’t think that you’ll start today and in a month you’ll be a millionaire.

Success on the internet (and in life in general) comes through mistakes. The more mistakes you make, the more you learn. And if this is your first time in the field of “making money online” or “make money online” as the English say, you can be sure that you will make mistakes.

If you persist and do not notice them, then you will achieve your goal. Quickly or quickly, you will succeed. Achieving your goal can take from 1 month to 10 years.

If you don’t stop trying, it means you have NOT failed. But once you give up, you have failed.

Anyway, enough with the philosophical stuff, let’s go to the list of 22 ways to make money from the internet.

One last thing… If you want to accelerate the process of getting rich online, choose a method and concentrate all your power and energy on it.

Don’t try to make money using multiple methods at the same time.

First get good at one method, make it make money, automate it and then move on to another method.

22 ways to make money online

1. Starting a blog


Starting a blog is probably one of the most popular methods of making money online.

Right now there are bloggers who earn up to 100.000 euros per month from their blogs (and no it’s not too much).

One of them is Adam Enfroy, who through his blog earns around $100,000 a month – every month. Watch this video where he breaks down his income and you’ll understand.

– O Adam Enfroy

There are too many bloggers who earn astronomical amounts of money every month from their blogs. I won’t mention them all here. Just know that it is possible if you commit yourself to it, put in the effort and don’t give up until you succeed.

With a blog there are too many ways to make money. Again, I won’t mention all of them here, because I wrote an article a while ago called 10 Proven Ways to Make Money from Your Blog.

I recommend you read it.

I also recommend reading my step-by-step guide on how to start a blog and this article with the best and cheapest web hosting providers.

☝️ It’s important to keep in mind that in order for a blog to succeed, you need to work up a sweat.

You have to search for keywords, write articles around those words, each article will take you about 3 – 4 hours or 1 – 2 hours with AI assistants, then you have to promote it on social networks, you have to know about SEO, etc., etc..

It’s not an easy case. But it’s very profitable once you learn it.

2. Start a YouTube channel


Another popular method and a very good one since through a YouTube channel you can make hundreds of thousands of euros.

Through a YouTube channel you usually make money from:

  • Ads that YouTube displays in your videos.
  • Sponsorship of your videos by products/services that identify with your audience.
  • Affiliate Marketing, i.e. leaving a link to products/services that you are an affiliate of in the description of the video) and
  • Partnerships will arise as you become more and more well known.

Also, if you are shy and don’t want your face to appear on the “glass” then you can make a video without you. In short, you can create a faceless YouTube channel.

There are many text-to-video programs that allow you to click on a text and convert it to video (e.g. Synthesia or Pictory) or even pay someone on Fiverr to do it for you.

Here’s an example I found.

Screenshot of a Fiverr gig that offers text to video
– Screenshot from the gig on Fiverr to convert any text to video and with voiceover.

Also, here it’s good to mention TubeBuddy which is an add-on to your browser that gives you information on how to improve the ranking of your videos.

It’s basically an SEO tool for YouTube.

All the “big” YouTube accounts use it and I recommend you install it too – if you use this method to make money from home.

☝️ But it is important to mention that for this method too, if you are not consistent in publishing your videos and do not have the patience to wait for success, then you will most likely give up.

And to make a proper video in today’s standards, you’ll need equipment like a microphone, video editing software, possibly lighting, etc.

You’ll also need time. A lot of time. To do video editing and post video takes 1 to 5 hours.

If you go with the faceless YouTube channel, the programs I mentioned(Synthesia or Pictory) you will be able to make videos in less than 1 hour.

3. Become a Twitch streamer


Twitch which had started as a platform purely for gamers, now anyone can start their own channel and start broadcasting

Of course, as far as I know there are still a lot of gamers on Twitch (at least as of this writing) and that’s why I suggest if you spend a lot of hours in front of the computer playing games and are bored with the video editing that a serious YouTube channel requires, then become a Twitch streamer .

Twitch’s best streamers make their living through a combination of small payments called Bits, paid subscriptions, donations and influencing.

If you look at any Twitch influencer’s channel, you’ll see a variety of ads, affiliate sales and sponsorships . Several even insert ads into their videos, like the ones you see in YouTube videos.

Many of the top streamers supplement their Twitch income with what they earn from professional gaming, with a combination of prize money and sponsorships.

☝️ A common characteristic of Twitch’s most popular streamers is that they dress strangely and play online at least 40 hours a week. They are essentially full-time gamers. So, and with this method, don’t think it’s easy. You’ll literally melt into the game.

4. Create and sell info-products


So what’s an info-printact, Paul?

An info product is a product that offers information – i.e. information. Here are some examples:

  • An eBook on how to become self-sufficient by growing vegetables on your porch.
  • A video course on how to start your own blog.
  • A video course on how to get a six-pack.
  • A folder with step-by-step instructions and plans for woodworkers, furniture makers or architects.
  • 50 templates for Excel or Google Docs

This is all structured information that you as the “maker” of this saw will sell to the party.

People have no problem at all paying to get something good, something structured that will take them from the beginning and take them to the end.

You’ll say, “he can find anything he wants on YouTube.”

I agree… But, so a product like yours can’t be found… A product whose information will be detailed, will give advice, will be divided into categories etc.

Anyway, just to tell you that most YouTubers and bloggers make most of their money from selling courses, books and not necessarily from advertising.

Just some very typical examples – my hats off to them – are archaeostoryteller on Instagram, the Facebook channel Geography is very cool and Vassilis Pazopoulos from Euro2Day.

All three have put out their own books in physical form and are selling them. Their own info products. These books can be made available in digital format (if they don’t already).

The archaeologist’s book..

The book by Theodoros Papakostas entitled Does all antiquity fit in the elevator?
– The book by Theodoros Papakostas entitled Does all antiquity fit in the elevator?

The books of Cool Geography

Her book series Geography is Cool
– Her book series Geography is Cool

The book of Pazopoulos on Bitcoin

And to get started with this method, you don’t have to have your own website – although it would help.

You can sell your info-products through amazon, through Clickbank or through any online service.

5. Affiliate Marketing


My favorite method… Affiliate marketing.

Affiliate Marketing is when you promote products online (either physical or info-products) and you get a commission from every sale you make.

Affiliate marketing programs and products are many. It just remains to choose the ones you are interested in promoting and with differences in online marketing methods and sales tools.


  • If you are a fashionista you can become an affiliate with clothing stores, and beauty products.
  • If you are a gym owner, then you can become an affiliate with dietary supplements, fitness clothing and accessories etc.
  • If you are a gadget maker then you can become an affiliate with shops and products that deal with technology and gadgets.
  • If you are a bookworm, then you can be an affiliate with online booksellers.
– Screenshot of commissions I received from the promotion of some expensive products.

To get started with affiliate marketing you usually need a medium in which you can promote the products in front of the audience that wants them. For example:

  • Through ads on social networks (Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn)
  • Through advertisements in search engines.
  • Through advertisements on other advertising platforms.
  • Through influencers on YouTube, Instagram, Tik Tok
  • Creating a blog, a YouTube channel, a page in social networks.
  • Collecting emails of people who are interested in the products you are promoting.

☝️ Affiliate marketing is linked to most methods of making money online.

You will need to spend money on advertising or spend time producing content that converts visitors into buyers.

Whichever you choose, it takes effort and persistence.

6. Start an Eshop


An eshop or online store in Greek, we all know what it is and what it does. It is a shop that sells products online.

Building your own eshop is not an easy task.

  • You need to have global knowledge of entrepreneurship, marketing knowledge, knowledge of the internet in general.
  • Also, you must have a product or a range of products to sell.
  • You also need to see how the buyer will receive your products.
  • You have to see how to find the products? You’ll manufacture them or buy them from others.
  • Also, you want a relatively large fund for programming services, graphic design services and more.
  • You will need good web hosting.
  • And you’ll have competition.

So, will you tell me why I’m suggesting this method?

Because it is indeed a proven method to make money from the internet.

If you are willing to study, make mistakes and learn from your mistakes, then creating an eshop is a very profitable business.

Also, it is much more economical than opening a “physical” store.

Finally, there are affordable solutions to start your eshop like Shopify.

Shopify is currently one of the biggest ecommerce companies that offers a platform to build your eshop, offers web hosting, and a whole bunch of tools related to e-commerce for only 25 euros per month.

Starting your own business for 25 euros a month isn’t bad, is it?

7. Dropshipping


Dropshipping is a method of order fulfillment where a business (you) does not keep the products it sells in stock .

Let me explain what I mean.

With a conventional eshop, usually the products you sell, you have them in your possession. You have them in your home, in your warehouse or anywhere else.

When the customer buys something from your eshop, then you take the order, prepare it, take it to the courier and he in turn takes it to your customer.

With dropshipping things are a little different.

The customer enters your eshop and places his order.

You take the customer’s details and order and give it to your supplier.

Your supplier then sends the order directly to the customer without it appearing that the customer sent it.

The customer receives his order without knowing that you did not send it but your supplier did.

What is dropshipping

You’re basically playing the middle man.

This may sound a bit “lulu”, but it’s not. Not even illegal. It’s the same process as conventional trade.

Just instead of buying 1000 pieces, having them in your house and reselling them, you just resell them without having them in stock.

☝️ This method saves you the cost of buying products up front. It also saves you the cost of setting up an eshop since you can start dropshipping through eBay and Amazon.

8. Kindle Books


This method requires you to:

  1. Create ebooks
  2. Publish them on Amazon’s Kindle Store.

You know that Amazon started as an online bookstore, so… It still has one of the largest online bookstores on the planet.

In this bookstore, anyone can upload an eBook . And, when I say eBook, I don’t necessarily mean the next Harry Potter or Lord of The Rings.

Each eBook you upload can be only a few thousand words. For example 3000 words.

Here are some examples of books that anyone could make.

Kindle books
– eBooks that anyone could make and sell in the Kindle store.

The subject matter can be anything. From “How to” guides, to short fiction stories. Even little coloring books.

Yes.. you see, Amazon has Print on Demand.

That is, if you upload a coloring book in digital format and someone buys it on Amazon, amazon will always print it and send it to them.

Here’s a video showing step-by-step how to do it.

Also, here are some tools that will make writing your book easier:

  • Ghost writers to write your books for you can be found on Fiverr.
  • You can also use artificial intelligence to write your articles for you using programs like Writesonic or Jasper.AI.
  • To convert text to eBooks and 3D covers you can use programs like Sqribble.
  • You can use Canva to give “form” to your book.
  • Imagine or Ideogram to design your covers or interior pages.

☝️ Note that with this method, you can make a few thousand a month in passive income.

Just imagine having hundreds of these little books that are automatically sold by Amazon. I’m not saying they’ll all be revenue-generating successes, but the more you have, the more chances you have to sell.

If you want to get started with this method, click here to go to Amazon. Also, you can buy this course from Stefan James who will show you all the tricks to maximize your earnings through this method.

9. Metapoula Services


This method is relatively easy and a bit “sneaky” – but it works fine. If you work it right it can turn into a very good income.

You basically go to freelance marketplaces like Fiverr and create an account.

You find a service like this.

You copy the title, description and packages offered.

You go to another freelancer website like SEO Clerks and Upwork and create an account as a freelancer or seller.

You create a new service and add to it what you copied from the previous service. The only difference is that you put the prices higher up.

When someone buys a service from you on Upwork for $40, you go back to Fiverr and buy the service from the person offering it for $10.

You give the information your client gave you to the freelancer on Fiverr and they proceed to deliver the work as normal. When in delivery, you deliver it below to your client.

Congratulations, you just made a $30 profit without actually doing anything.

☝️ Of course, to avoid getting it, you have to be sure that the person you are reselling the service to is doing a good job . Personally, because I use Fiverr very often, I know a lot of good services.

Also, you should take the time to research and copy-paste the services.

Finally, you will be playing the role of a middle man and customer service, which you will also have to spend time on.

When you start getting the first five-star reviews, you will see that your orders will start to increase.

10. Write articles


Because the internet is all about content, there is a HUGE demand for people who can produce content.

There are people who actually make 10 to 20 grand a month. Of course it took them a long time to get to that level.

They started charging from 5 euros for 500 words, but as they kept getting good reviews, they slowly increased their charges to 50 euros per 500 words and more.

So, to write a long article of 2000 words someone can charge 200 euros. Someone who is considered to be the best of the best can even charge 400 euros or even 600 euros.

– Almost 130 euros for 500 words?

But will you tell me now if I don’t have it to write?

If you don’t have it, but want to get involved, there are ways to do it.

The first is to use artificial intelligence programs like Jasper.AIand the second is to translate articles .

Jasper’s will put in the title and automatically can produce an article of up to 1500 words in 2 minutes. You run the article through a free plagiarism checker service to make sure the article is original and deliver it to the client.

So simple.

For example:

Let’s say you go to Fiverr and create 2 services: One to write any article in English and one to write any article in Greek.

You’ve been commissioned to write a 500-word article in English on “how to make money online”.

You search and find articles about this topic in Greek, translate them (whole or parts of different articles) via Google Translate or Deepl, until you reach 500 words.

Then, the translated text is passed through a free plagiarism checker service to make sure that the article is original.

You put it in a Word and deliver it to the client.

You just won money.

☝️ You can offer article writing services through your personal website(learn how to create one here), social networks, even by going to forums.

Basically, the more you make yourself and your services “visible” around this topic, the more chances you have to start getting business.

TIP: Also, at first charge very cheaply to get people to trust you and get five-star reviews. Along the way, raise your prices.

11. Translate articles


If you know a second language, you can offer translation services on various freelance platforms.

Some people offer it.

Usually, those who buy translation services need them forspecialized articles.

Online translation services can help to some extent, but if you are asked to translate legal, corporate, academic, etc. documents, they may not offer the best translation experience to your client.

But if you know a language well, you can use these services to do the “heavy lifting” and correct minor mistakes manually.

12. Micro Tasks


This is one of the easiest ways to make money from home.

Companies from all over the world are willing to pay you to complete specific web tasks, such as: image categorization, address checking, analysis of competing websites, etc.

– Screenshot from the Amazon Mturk platform

The reason they outsource these tasks is that it would cost them a fortune in time and money to ask their own employees to do them.

This is why they turn to platforms such as and which have millions of members worldwide who are willing to complete these tasks for the right price.

If you are willing to dedicate 8 – 12 hours a day to this method, you can earn up to 500 – 800 euros a month.

Not too bad for someone who has no online skills or whose average salary in his country is below that amount.

👉 Some of the best sites that allow you to get paid to work online are and

13. Sell T-shirts


Yes, you can sell t-shirts online without even having your own eshop.

Selling t-shirts online is a very profitable method of making money from home. You can earn thousands every month with this method, as long as – as always – you “conquer” it.

What you need to do is create an account at

– Screenshot from Teespring

Teespring is a website for printing t-shirts and other bespoke items that allows you to upload your own designs and promote them via social media or any other method you want – paid or free.

If someone buys even one T-Shirt or hat or cup from your teespring shop, the company will print it and send it for you.

This is called “print-on-demand”.

If it costs $15 to print and ship and you sell the t-shirt for $25, then you’ve made a nice $10 profit on a t-shirt.

Now, imagine selling 100 or 200 T-shirts a day. I’ll let you do the math.

Now you tell me… where can I find designs for my t-shirts? But of course on Fiverr.

– T-shirt design services on Fiverr.

Can you tell me how I can promote them?

There are many ways to promote a business or product on the internet. The most common ones are .

👉 The easiest way to get started with this method and reduce your learning-curve is to learn from other people who are already using this method to make money online.

There is a highly rated course on Udemy called Affiliate Marketing Beginner: Sell T-Shirts with Teespring that you can buy for only $10 and another one called How To Sell On Teespring Without Paid Ads for $10 again.

I suggest you buy both of them if you choose this method for your financial freedom.

14. Pula photos


If you like photography, I’m sure that on your phone or DSLR camera, you have thousands of photos that are “rusting” there, forgotten.

What if I told you that there are at least half a dozen websites called “photo-banks” where you can create an account, upload your photos and have them automatically sold.

Screenshot from shutterstock

Your photos (and videos) appear in front of millions of professionals looking for photos to put on their products, in their marketing campaigns, in their ads, in their videos – everywhere.

You, as a creator, can pay up to $2 – $3 per photo use.

This method can evolve into a purely passive way to make money from the internet.

Some of the biggest “banks” of photos are:

  1. Shutterstock
  2. GettyImages
  3. Adobe stock
  4. Deposit photos
  5. 123RF
  6. 500px

15. Start a social media page (aka Influencer)


Starting a social media page and sharing content around a specific topic – in order to build a community of followers – is easier than starting a blog, but you need to have the same features with it as:

  • Be consistent in creating content
  • Promote your page
  • Create interesting content
  • Have patience
  • Don’t give up
  • Use that energy.

Also, you don’t have to be a fashion or lifestyle influencer to make it on social media.

Let’s look at some examples of Greek pages in social networks, which are not involved in the fashion and lifestyle industry and are really worthy:

  • Geography is very cool – 300,000+ likes on Facebook alone (not counting Instagram and other platforms). Topic: Geography. Their books are on sale at Public and all the big bookstores in Greece and Cyprus. Think of the level people have reached.
  • archaeostoryteller – 70,000+ followers on Instagram. Topic: Archaeology. Recently published his own book. His love for archaeology led him to make this page a huge success. Then followed by YouTube, podcasts, interviews, talks on TedX.
  • Dr. Susanna Kemper – 45,000+ subscribers on YouTube alone. Logging se facebook and instagram. Subject: Holistic Pediatrics. This chick is a ka-cha-cha-cha in her field with fanatical followers. She does seminars, has her own newsletter. I expect books and her own products.

You can make money from this method through affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, partnerships with companies and brands and creating your own products.

16. Make and sell videos


Making and selling Video is a very lucrative business, because in fact, video is one of the most popular forms of communication on the internet.

Most internet users would rather watch videos than read. Companies and young entrepreneurs know this and that’s why the demand is huge.

Also, you don’t need to have a degree in video and multimedia at university to get into this field (although it would help). What you need is the right tools that will make your life easier.

For example:

  • Pictorial: Pictory uses artificial intelligence to make ALL the video for you. From the text, to the graphics, to the scenes – even the voiceover. You just have to “edit” it at the end. Instead of spending 3 – 5 hours on a video, when you learn it, it will only take you 30 – 60 minutes.
– Screenshot from the Pictory Dashboard.
  • Lumen5 – Just copy-paste any article link from the web and it will convert it to video. Perfect for news pages. You can easily charge this service to news sites for 500 – 1000 euros per month – depending on the volume of work.
  • Synthesia Take any text and turn it into a video with avatars. This AI program uses DeepFake technology to make the avatar in the video say and move his lips accurately.
  • Talkia Although it’s not really a video program but a voiceover program, you can use it just as much to sell services. Basically you take any text, put it into the program and it automatically starts to speak it in voices that sound human – NOT robotic.

Then you can upload the voiceover to Lumen5 and have a video with voiceover.

You can promote your services through freelancing websites, Facebook and LinkedIn groups or by creating a small corporate website.

17. Become a trader


When I say trader I mean buying and selling stocks, commodities, crypto etc. This method can literally make you a millionaire.

Of course you will have to “get stuck” into reading and studying the subject and devote yourself to it if you want to succeed.

To get you up to speed, I’ll just introduce you to a few courses that have a lot of good reviews.

How much can you win?

Millions. You can make millions.

Now, if for some reason you don’t have the time to deal with trading there are two alternatives you can follow.

  • Copy-Trading: Copy Trading is when you automatically copy the trades made by someone else. That is, you put say a thousand euros on the platform, and you choose the trader you want. Whatever he ‘plays’ is automatically played and all the money that the copy-traders have invested on him. Platforms that offer copy-trading are etoro for stocks, crypto, etc. and Binance for crypto.
– Screenshot from the Binance Copy Trading section
  • Trading Bots: Trading bots are automated systems that you set up once and they run without you being there. Yes, you need to know some things about trading but no, you shouldn’t melt in front of the screen. Some of the most respected companies in the industry are TradeSanta and HassOnline.

☝️ You can also lose millions if you don’t know what you are doing… It is very important to invest in knowledge first and commit to this method if you want to succeed. But always know that any form of investment can help you win or lose money.

18. Offer courses Online


Are you a dab hand at English, German or any other language?

If so, then you can make money online by teaching it online.

Everyone needs to know English nowadays. And there are a lot of people who would like to learn. But lack of time prevents them from going to a tutorial.

You can take advantage of your ability to teach English and the power of the internet to offer English courses or any other foreign language you know.

There are many platforms that let you sign up and offer your services. Some of them are:

☝️ You can also create a profile on or a personal website to give yourself more authority. This way, people will trust you more. This translates into more customers or higher charges for your time.

19. Become a Virtual Assistant


The need for virtual assistants on the internet will never go away. Companies around the world need people to help them do repetitive and boring tasks.

You’re not going to get rich as a virtual assistant (although there is a lot of work) but there will always be an extra source of money to make money from home.

The tasks you will be asked to do are:

  • Passing data to excel files.
  • Translating documents
  • Do market research
  • Finding potential customers
  • Communicate with potential customers
  • and basically do whatever the hiring manager asks you to do.
– Virtual Assistants on Fiverr

How can you start charging more?

The better you get, the more work you get. Also, you’ll start getting references.

If your hours fill up to full, then you can raise your prices a bit. Some will leave, but those who stay will pay you more and you will also make room (in your time) for people who have no problem paying your new, increased hourly rate.

☝️ The best way to get started as a virtual assistant is to find clients on freelancer websites or start contacting companies directly.

20. Sell your old clothes


It is very likely that you have a lot of old clothes in your wardrobe that you will never wear again. What can you do with these clothes?

If you’re planning to throw them away then that’s a huge mistake, as your old clothes can be worth a lot of money.

Instead of throwing them in the trash, why don’t you sell them?

You can sell your used clothes on and depop – they are the best platforms for this kind of sales.

Also, the Greek Vendora platform is a good choice.

You can

There is a serious profit here, since everyone needs clothes.

It’s also Win-Win.

You sell your clothes at a discount (since they are second-hand) and the person who buys it gets a good price.

Everybody wins and you get out of the whole situation with money in your pocket

☝️ TIP: If you want to make even more money, keep an eye on bazaars for good deals on clothes. Also, pick up old clothes from friends and family. That way, you help them get rid of them for free and effortlessly sell them and make a profit.

21. Become a Social Media Manager


If you consider yourself a social media expert, then you can make money from this “art” of yours.

The way this method works is to manage small and medium-sized business accounts on social media.

You post, answer questions and republish posts on their behalf.

Yes, you can turn your love of social media into something that’s profitable and fun.

Developing and maintaining social media accounts is something that will always be in demand, and that means steady work for you.

How much can you win?

It depends on the deals you make. Just for example, for managing a website (e.g. Facebook) with 2 posts per week you can charge from 100 – 300 euros per month – depending on your reputation in the market.

☝️ As the five-star reviews start to rain down, you will be able to increase your charges.

22. Just let your computer work


If you are really lazy and want to make money by doing just… nothing, then you can try this method.

Basically you have to install a little software on your computer and then it will start making you money.

The program is called Honeygain and it basically uses your unused internet data to transfer files between trusted partners.

Meanwhile, as “hacky” as this may sound, the app is completely secure and never requests or gains access to the storage space of your device or computer.

honeygain sreenshot
– Screenshot from the Honeygain dashboard.

You can install it on your Smartphone and on your computer.

Of course, don’t think you’ll make thousands every month from this method. But you can – if you introduce enough people – make 50 – 100 euros a month.

Here’s my most recent payment I received from HoneyGain (12 August 2024):

Honeygain payment proof
The most recent payment I received from HoneyGain (12 August 2024)

Like Honeygain, there are other such programs. You can see them here.

Not too bad, huh?

Final Words

If you got to the end of this article, then… it seems you like to read – since this article is almost 6000 words long. 😵

Anyway, as I said at the beginning, if you want to make money from the internet you have to:

Think about what you want to do and what you think you are good at.

Choose one method to achieve your goal

Have perseverance and patience and most importantly…



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